已经好久都没再写华语的部落格了, 还真觉得有点遗憾啊~~ 不是我不想写, 而是很多华文的读者都不争气, 没来捧场;倒是英文读者都来了,我还好意思让他们失望吗?我还倒不如写英文算了,反正写华语都没人看的。如果你们认为我讲错的话可以反驳,不过我看也是不会有人反驳的,反正这里早就成了聋哑部落格了。我也不想再多说,再说就要骂粗口了。
转回正题吧,前几天成绩总算出炉了,还记得那天在青蛙的家上网查成绩时,那颗心可是扑通扑通的在跳呢!可恶的死青蛙!竟然跟我打错编号!还我还白紧张了一小时。之后总算开启了网页,我还真不敢相信我的眼睛,我竟然安全通过!哇!!!我们都叫得好大声,接着high 5啦,拥抱啦,大喊啦。。。真的好棒,这应该就是所谓的青春吧。好久都没这样过了,最后一次是在A-Level 时呢。之后当然是一连串的庆祝会,真的好棒,我真的没想到自己居然这样幸运,努力到快疯了,应该都有成果吧。但是我相信在我高兴的当儿应该有人在愤怒吧。。。特别是那些讨厌我的狗杂种和死八婆,它们现在一定很痛苦吧,因为我 “得道” 了啊,这些妖魔就惨咯,它们将会被自己的仇恨心和妒嫉心给折磨到半死吧,哈哈!!活该!!这些贱人应该痛苦得要死吧?真爽啊。。。那我教你们怎样杜绝痛苦,那就是如果觉得痛苦到要死的话,就去死吧,免得为祸人间!!!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!!!!!!笨!!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
The Wolf's Ideology (狼道)
Wolf, a noun that influenced me a lot since im a kid. I started to learn this word when i was still in kindergarten. I still remembered the day when the teacher taught us alphabetical orders......A for apple, B for boy, C for cat......later on, W for WOLF......this is the first time i get contacted with the word "wolf". What is wolf? when i expressed my curiosity to my parents, they took out a book with many pictures and started to explain to me what is a wolf. As they said, we usually called wolves, because this kind of animal usually lived in pack; then they further explained to me that wolf is culculative, smart, fierce and cold animal. Although they are not absolute predator but they are smart in such a way that they lived strong, they are the absolute survivor, they won't die easily. This animals had influenced me once again when i read an article about the wolf ideology in a bookstore. That article was interesting, and i have fell in love with this animal, started to learn from them. Like what i had said in the last post, life is difficult. So if i wanted to depict society as a jungle, then we human being will be depicted as animals which lived in this huge jungle. As we know that jungle is full of predator, then we must be cautious with our own situation, everybody want to survive, who wished to die? im not trying to become an absolute predator, because this will hasten my death. Instead, i learned to become a wolf, an absolute survivor. Not just that to work hard, but to work smart as well, we could not attacked a tiger directly, but we could give him a fatal blow from behind. We could not work blazing fast like a lion, but we could earn some food by following the lion, we could eat the left over that the lion had lefted. Who am i ? and what is my final desire? what im capable to do now is planning, with a good planning i could defeat a lion easily, i would tried to become smarter than the lion and the tiger. I would become their friend before they become my enemy, i would endure and concentrate so that i would not lost myself. because i believed that one day i could defeat all those useless animals and become the king of the jungle. Those animals that only know how to show their strength would died easily , because they lacked of intelligence and most importantly, they need a good survivor skill......your strength is limited when you are alone, while alliance would make us strong, and strong......
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